About to begin production- Fragments: Book 1 of The Seekers Series audiobook

Sep 21, 2024

Fragments: The Seekers Series Book 1 audiobook

The audio book of our debut novel has entered production!

Be the first to guess the name of the narrator and win a signed paperback!-UPDATE 9/22/24- THERE HAS BEEN A WINNER! If you were not the winning entrant, keep your eyes on the newsletter- there will be more opportunities to come!

Listen to the clip below and be the first to correctly email me the name of the narrator and get your free signed paperback. There will be only one prize, awarded to the FIRST to guess correctly.

Email your guesses to jawebb@jawebbauthor.com- include how you would like to be identified if you are the lucky winner (e.g. initials, first name and initial).

I will send a new email to my newsletter subscribers every week, each containing one clue, until one entrant correctly guesses the narrator.

The name of the winner will be announced in our October 9 newsletter.

Prizes will be mailed to the winner when Fragments: Book 1 of the Seekers Series is released, tentatively December of this year.






  1. Hugo Audie is the narrator for your new book.

    • Great guess, but no, it wasn’t Hugo. We do have a contest winner so I can now tell you the narrator is Stefan Rudnicki!

  2. The book sounds like a real adventure, but for the highlight is that it will come in an audible version as well, this means that it can be enjoyed by not only those with vision problems, but also when driving or just need a break from reading printed formats.

    • Agreed John. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know!!

  3. Can’t wait

  4. sounds like a plan winning wood b nice …lol