J. A. Webb Blog

Should Christian men read Kathy Tyers’s space opera Firebird?

Should Christian men read Kathy Tyers's space opera Firebird? The search for thrilling fantastical fiction for Christian men is sometimes so difficult I’ll take a risk when I discover an older title that seems to have promise. I took one of those risks this month on...

Robert A. Heinlein- I wish he’d been a Christian

Robert A. Heinlein- I wish he'd been a Christian. Heinlein,  my favorite author as an unsaved young man, is a cautionary tale. Imagine what such a genius might have produced, had his writing have been informed by a biblical worldview! Let me explain. I’m in the middle...

My review of Recruit of Talionis

My review of Recruit of Talionis When scouting out Mort (e) in my ongoing quest for great Christian fantastical fiction, I made a side trip to another war zone. There, I found a worthy read in Recruit of Talionis, the first in C. J. Millaci's Talionis series. C. J....

My review of Mort(e)- A War with No Name

My review of Mort(e)- War with No Name This week, as part of my continuing quest for great fantastical Christian fiction . . .  or in the case of this book, fantastical fiction which Christians might enjoy, I made a foray behind the lines of the War with No Name. I...