Winners of 2024 ACFW Genesis Award announced-
And I’m so proud, humbled, and grateful to have been named winner of the 2024 ACFW award for the Mystery/Thriller/Suspense category.
The American Christian Fiction Writers is a professional organization devoted to the craft of Christian fiction.
Earlier this month, I attended my first ever ACFW national conference and was astounded by the commitment and professionalism displayed by everyone involved with the conference, from organizers to staff, instructors, and attendees. All were unbelievably devoted to loving one another. To lifting one another up. To invest in one another for mutual success in our writing endeavors. All for the advancement of the Kingdom.
This thing we do is not always easy, and it’s hard to know if your efforts as an author are bearing fruit, if your writing is good enough, or even if it is good at all. The whispers in the dark are all too willing to tell you, “No, it’s not good enough.”
As writers and authors we need encouragement. All the more so as Christian authors as we take up the call to join spiritual battle with the Powers and Principalities, using the Power of Story for His Kingdom and His Glory.
I found the ACFW conference to be a place of great encouragement, filled with the Spirit, and I’m grateful I was blessed to experience such. All the more grateful to have been named winner in the Genesis awards!

ACFW Genesis award winner medallion